Thursday, May 22, 2008

The sun is shining

It is so beautiful out today I can't help but be in a good mood I think.

Had my doctor appt yesterday. He upped my Depakote to 1000 mg and left the Seroquel at the same dosage as I have been taking and also added Celexa for the depression. I sure hope this works. Like I said in my previous post, I have had a couple really good days so that is definitely an improvement. Hopefully they will continue.

I will for sure not be getting a paycheck tomorrow. Not even sure when I will get one. Very scary, thank God we have a little money in savings. It will probably only get us through one paycheck being missing though.

I put my resume out there, I don't want to but I can't let my mental health and love for the company I'm at to hurt my family financially. As it is, we will already be affected. (is it affected or effected? I never know with that one.)

Memorial day weekend is coming and I don't know what we are going to do. Since I won't have a paycheck I think we will be staying close to home. I may go out fishing with B. Or should I say, lay in the canoe and read and tan while he fishes. :)

D recieved a $500 scholorship from her school on Tuesday. Pretty cool that she got some money. At least it will pay for books for a couple of classes.

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