Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Bi-Polar Disorder

Well I might as well start this blog off with a bang.

I was diagnosed with Bi-polar Disorder yesterday by a psychiatrist. Looking at my family history, I really didn't have a fighting chance.

I may use this blog to keep track of my moods and the things I learn about the bi-polar and the drugs I need to take, along with everyday life stuff.

So I started on 750mg of Depakote and 75 mg of Seroquel and 1mg of Folic Acid yesterday. The lovely side effects of the Depakote can cause birth defects and even though I don't plan on having children, the doctor wants me to take the folic acide to prevent birth defects if there were to be an "oops". The doctor is also weening me off Effexor which I have been on for 6 months.

Last night I slept the best I have slept in years. The Seroquel is a sleep aid and an anti-depressant and it definitely does it's job as a sleep aid. I had been on Ambien for a few weeks and I was still waking up at 1am and not being able to get back to sleep.

So today I woke up and probably could have slept all day but I got up and went to work and I am feeling ok, just a little dizzy which is probably from coming off the Effexor. As of last night I will be taking half a dose of Effexor for a week and then will stop completely.

I suppose I could introduce myself now that you know the details of my mental health :)

My name is Kate. I am 30 years old and I have been married for 8 years to B. I have an 18 year old step-daughter, D.

I am an Office Manager of a security company and really like where I work, lately I feel like I haven't been doing a good job there because of the health issues above.

I used to have a blog on MSN but decided to try this out.

Even if no one visits my space, I think it will be good to get my feelings out and track my mood swings. For those of you who do end up coming by my space I hope that you won't pre-judge me by my diagnosis.

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